This is where we will be posting information about the 2022 Broadway Stage Management Symposium

General Information
Welcome to the 2022 Broadway Stage Management Symposium, a hybrid experience designed just for you. We have a thrilling three days of stage management planned.
Everyone (in NYC and Online attendees) has been emailed the login information via hopin.com. If you haven’t please check your spam folder or filtered emails and if not there, let us know asap at: info@broadwaysymposium.com
Everyone can access the online platform on your mobile device or computer during the Symposium weekend. Remember SM TECH MONDAY is all online, so everyone will need the login info for Monday.
Everyone can play the Expo Contest Game and Win Prizes. See the link below.
Visit every partner booth. Answer the questions and winners will be chosen from those will the most correct answers.
The replay will become available on Wednesday, May 25th, thank you in advance for your patience while we get everything posted. This On-Demand content will be available through the end of June.
The New Victory Theatre Lobby Event Space: 209 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036
Check in begins at 9:30am on Saturday, May 21st.
. The New Victory Theatre Covid Safety Manager will be checking cards. Everyone needs to be masked at all times, except when eating or drinking.
Note that presenters will also receive a covid test prior to entering the building, so they will be able to take masks off when on stage.
Live in NYC
The platform is open and you can get on now, create your profile and check out some of the features.
- If you have any issues logging on to the hopin site, here are the first things to check
Refreshing your browser solves many issues. Any freezes or skips, try refresh first.
Use chrome or firefox browsers on your computer. If on an ipad or iphone, use safari.
Try incognito mode.
If you can get on the site and need help, visit sessions and click on the tech help booth.
If none of those solve your issue, please text. 917-274-7955.
The Attendee Event Guide is a very helpful tool. Click the link to open it.
Email us at info@broadwaysymposium.com
On Saturday evening, attendees are welcome to join a special Broadway show viewing party of Holiday Inn with stage manager Kate Dial and choreographer Denis Jones. Watch the show on BroadwayHD and chat along with fellow attendees, Kate and Denis.
You will need to sign up for BroadwayHD. You can get a free 7 day trial (remember to cancel if you do not want to pay to subscribe).
Login to hopin, go to sessions and you will see Holiday Inn Watch Party. Click to enter. You will be cued when to start the video and Kate and Denis will be in the virtual room to share and answer questions. Start time 8:00pm ET.